The word *Solstice* literally means, “standing still”…The sun ceases its northward arc, and then will eventually begin to move southward on the horizon as we swing back to Equinox. It is a magical moment, like those few seconds of lightness at the arc of a swing, where flight seems almost natural, inevitable… That fullness embodies the height of summer and the fullness surrounding us. On the Medicine Wheel, the South, Summer & Fire represent – Nurturing, Joy, and Fullness. This is the time to revel in what fills you up, makes you shine your brightest, what sparks your Heart’s desire. Creative energies are at their peak, bursting with possibility.
While sitting in my yard yesterday, feeling the breeze and sunlight wash over me…listening to the sounds of nature, breathing in the smells of grass and flower, looking at the myriad of shades of GREEN that abound as nature grows, I thought about the difference between the seasons as they reveal themselves. Its one thing to feel that excitement seeing the first shoots of life in the Spring…quite another to realize those shoots are now waist high grass! (This makes my cat think he is a tiger hiding in the jungle, hunting grasshoppers.)
There is still some time before the harvest, and our lesson until then is to continue to cultivate our inner garden. We get to fertilize and care for that which we choose to nurture in our lives, while weeding out false beliefs, actions, or people who do not serve our Hearts and ourselves.
Meanwhile – Recognize the “arc” that this point on the year-wheel gives us and revel in the fullness, the bursting forth of life, the joy that Mother Earth feels as she does what she does best. Let your own petals unfurl in the Summer sun!