The following is an excerpt from our upcoming E-Book,
"The Medicine of the Circle"...

It lives in the thunderstorm as much as the sunlight. All directions are present in everything, all it takes is reflection and interaction to recognize them. Wherever you are, you always stand in the center.
Take the thunderstorm for instance. The clouds gather and the expectancy rises in the air. You look up and listen to the thunder beings drumming their song. You hear the sound and tap your feet on the earth and drum in return. To the South, the Lightening beings flicker and dance before your eyes. You turn and dance in return. To the west, the rain spirits fall down in a sprinkle, soon to turn into a small deluge. You feel them on your skin and give thanks for the touch. To the North, mother earth call the rain down to her, to nourish the plants and give the animals drink. You sing right along with her and call the rains. The animal kingdom is seeking shelter but the birds are still singing the rain down too. You offer to the plant kingdom corn and tobacco. You thank the elements and the kingdoms for coming together in such a way... and appreciate your own witness of the storm.
The *action* of Interaction is the difference, the reverence required to see the medicine wheel in all aspects of your being is all part of our purpose for being here. Offering, dancing, drumming, singing, observing, honoring, thinking…these are all ways our ancestors walked through each day. These actions are what make our Earthwalk real and true in the moment. We are *supposed* to have relationship with the elements and kingdoms and all whom we share this walk with.
Without the interaction or the *relationship* with our world and humankind and all that is offered to us, we lose our compass and our path. If you are to have purpose and evolve yourself and the planet, (for why else would you be here at this time and place?)…you must be part of All That Is.
…and since there is really no separation anyway…Why not dance in the rain and bless it?!