And once the decision is clear, the doing becomes effortless". ~Ralph Blum
This month looks to be quite a doozy, as Lucie pointed out in Circle this week. The funny thing is that the challenges will be coming from Within. Meanwhile, we are again being offered the most support, love and encouragement to make the SHIFT to be more aligned with our purpose and true Self than ever.
That doesn’t make it any easier when the shift involves letting go beliefs, emotions, and stories that we have built our whole identity and life on up to now! AND…letting go of all these IS as easy as choice.
The simplicity of this shift is what’s key. The question is “What is it I need & require to BE my SELF in this world?” The answer is recognizing what makes us vibrate higher or lower, that’s it. The only thing we are responsible for is choosing the vibration.
Lucie says right now the ONLY thing we have control over is how we fold the laundry…!
PS – You may feel grounding is challenging. Walk outside for 5 minutes feeling connected through the top of your head & feeling the tap root from your first chakra to the sun in the center of the earth.
For more info on the upcoming eclipse this Thursday 10/23 from 1:52pm – 5:44pm (PDT)