We talked about how things feel so wobbly right now, how it is a reminder for us to stay grounded into that Sun in the Center of the Earth, that solid core of Gaia's Heart is our only anchor amidst the changing polarity that’s happening all around us. More importantly, we are dealing with Mars energy on a huge level right now. It started around the end of July, and looks to be impacting us directly for some time, maybe even a couple years…which is good because we have a LOT of work to do with understanding War / Peace, in our world and in ourselves.
Mars is usually seen as such a masculine energy, so the question as we are shifting into a feminine paradigm becomes - how do we use that from a different angle? The opposite to war is peace, simple, right? We all do battle in our lives and inside ourselves on so many levels. How do we choose peace instead? Recognize that the forceful action of the Mars energy doesn’t have to be violent and aggressive… It can be the fire that fuels our Right Action…and Right Action comes from holding the container of Self, Open Heart, and THEN the next move becomes obvious.
We are challenged in this, especially since we humans have needed to use warrior energy for millennia. If you are in survival, it is necessary. But we are no longer there, we have reached that place where we are nurtured and supported constantly – by Mother Earth, by our Guides, by our own Souls Purpose. We get to use this support to really investigate how we can flip war into peace, how we can stop battling our selves and those forces we think are not in alignment with what we want. When we hit a wall, we no longer have to beat our heads against it, or try to knock it down. We can take the time to see that maybe the wall is there to change our direction, maybe it’s there to make us stop, and breathe for a bit, hold the container and ASK our Spirit, Great Spirit and Guides…what IS the next step? That is the path to peace…holding for the guidance from Divine.
I have been seeing faces of the Feminine flashing through my mind today: Mary, Amaya, Mother Theresa, Mary Magdalene, Queen Elizabeth, Joan of Arc, Indira Ghandi, and more whom I do not know their names, but their faces are familiar to me. I think they are here to remind me I *do* have support, I do have examples of how that strong feminine looks, and she is not always Kali the Destroyer, or Boudicca the Warrior Queen. In fact, the need for a woman to wear the warrior face is no longer needed. We have power without having to flex our muscles to show it. Maybe that is our pathway to Peace…