Not just in a metaphorical sense, but physically as well.
This blog is a new conception. Born of a need and desire to connect beyond the confines of physical time and space. This is a way to make our Circle even larger than we can imagine.
"We" is not just myself and Elder Lucie whom I mentor, but the voices of those in Circle who meet here bi-weekly to share and grow through our experiences. We are all learning this walk of Right Action, Following Guidance and the "Sacred Fours."
For a refresher, the Medicine Wheel is the first basic outline for all the First Nations and most indigenous peoples of the Earth. It is a way for we humans to look at our world, know our elements and recognize Spirit all at once. (see below)
The Four winds encompass the directions, the seasons, and the energies each embodies as lessons for us to walk though time and again.
North ~ Winter ~ Wisdom ~ Earth
East ~ Spring ~ Big PIcture ~ Air
South ~ Summer ~ Nurturing ~ Fire
West ~ Fall ~ Healing ~ Water
YOU are the Center of your own Medicine Wheel, always. When you feel an issue come to the forefront, then you get to look at it and see where you may be out of balance, or what is being asked to be healed. You can literally 'sit' in any one of the Directions and ask for their Guidance.
This is the wisdom of our ancient Ancestors.
Also, as one who has chosen to be incarnated on this planet, recognize you have other Beings here to offer support.
The Four Kingdoms are ... Mineral / Plant / Animal / Humankind... and each one offers it's own unique perspective as well.
Wellcome HOME to this EarthWalk !
May we continue to share, grow, and use these wonderful tools we have been blessed with
Staying open-hearted to the Guidance all around us!